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Bealtaine Yoga at Uisneach

  • Hill of Uisneach Loughnavalley, WH, N91 R6C9 Ireland (map)

A Journey through the Celtic Calendar

Join Alyce and Katy Harrison for a Bealtaine Yoga event on the sacred and mythical Hill of Uisneach - a place where the veil to the otherworld is thin. Since pre-Christian times, Uisneach has been regarded as the ceremonial & sacred centre of Ireland. There is no other event like this on the Hill and we feel immensely privileged to facilitate embodiment practices there.

Spaces are limited and these cross-quarter events always sell out quickly.

Bealtaine, meaning Fires of Bel – a pre-Christian Sun-god and life giver – is a celebration of growth and abundance, the end of darkness and the potential for harvest. The first fire of Bealtaine was lit on the hill of Uisneach and was the signal for the lighting of all other fires across the land.

This event is anchored in the indigenous wisdom of this Celtic celebration of fire, and the experience will allow us to deepen our connection with our own land, our ancestors and our inner guidance.

We will open up to embodiment, using yoga to light to Soul Fire within.

We will use cacao, connecting with this ancient and potent, heart-opening plant medicine to nurture our selves and our hearts in the womb of the Goddess.

We will hike, learn about the heritage of the Hill.

We will meditate together, and use breath work to ground and connect to Mother Nature, out in her elements.

4 May


4 May

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